The idea of miracle cures and our bodies’ self-healing is fascinating for everyone, whether you’re interested in science or not. Realistically how many of us know what our body cells are doing right this minute? Did you know that your red cells, for example, are always on the move? That they deliver oxygen to every tissue in your body? And that these red cells take away all your waste? Without them, we wouldn’t survive. So, they are pretty important. But the work they do is hard on them – squeezing through tiny vessels is tough on these little red blood guys, so the poor things only last about four months.
They get replaced with stem cells, which are essential because they are a type of cell that can develop into many other types of cells. Stem cells can also renew themselves by dividing, even after they have been inactive for a long time.
When most other cells divide, the baby cells act and look just like their parents so, skin cells can’t make anything other than skin cells, liver cells replace liver cells, and so on. But not stem cells. Stem cells can be many different types of cells – they morph into the new cell shape and function. Because when a stem cell divides, the new cells either become another stem cell or a specific cell, such as a blood cell, a brain cell, or a muscle cell.